C.A.P.T. S.r.l.
C.A.P.T는 오일 변압기용 전력 차단 탭 체인저를 제조하는 이탈리아 기업으로서, 매우 효율적이고 사용자 정의가 가능한 솔루션을 제공하고 있으며, 유통 및 전력 분야의 선도업체로서 전 세계 60여 개 국가에서 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너 역할을 하고 있습니다.

DT Series
A smart solution for Distribution Transformers

LDT Series
High performances on Large Distribution Transformers

SPT Series
The perfect design for Small Power Transformers
With a manufacturing area of 5000 sqm and a high-technology production chain, CAPT entirely produces its de-energized tap changers in Trissino (Vicenza), in the northern-east of Italy.
For the assembly of series-manufactured products, a fully automated process has been designed and tested by CAPT’s engineers: it takes only five minutes to transform 45 components into a DT tap changer for distribution transformer.
For large distribution and small power (LDT and SPT series), a specific laboratory is completely dedicated to the assembly and quality control of the tap changers. Moreover, thanks to the expertise of CAPT team, any request for customization can be fulfilled.